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New Requirement For Filing a Mechanic’s Lien in Virginia
Filing a memorandum of mechanic’s lien is deceptively simple. The whole document is usually no more than a page or two and seems like a simple fill in the blank…
Sister Who Made Brother’s Mortgage Payments Not Allowed Interest Deduction
“As a general rule, interest paid by individuals is not tax deductible. A principal exception to the general rule allows a deduction for “qualified residence interest,” i.e., interest with respect…
Another Tax Trap for the Unwary – Tax Court and the Blank Receipt
As a general rule, the fair market value of property contributed to charity is deductible in determining taxable income. However, deduction is contingent on the donor’s substantiating the fact and…
Affordable Care Act – Portions of Employer Mandate Postponed
“In July 2013, the employer mandate was pushed back until January 1, 2015 for all employers covered by the Act (i.e., those with 50 or more employees, including full-time equivalents (FTEs)). …
THE BONA FIDE ERROR DEFENSE: What is it and how do I raise it?
Virginia Collectors Association, Inc. March 2011 Newsletter We all know that the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act is a strict liability statute. There is, however, an exception to this rule; and…
Trends in FDCPA Litigation: To Call or Not to Call? Leaving messages can lead to FDCPA liability
“Like so many other industries, the practice of law evolves rapidly and enterprising plaintiffs’ attorneys are like lions stalking wounded prey. The collection industry has been in the cross-hairs of public…
Estate Planning for Boomers
“While the need for estate planning, including wills or trusts, for Boomers (of whom I’m a card carrying member) is the same as it is for individuals of all ages,…
Involuntary Civil Commitment
“Involuntary civil commitment is the only legal proceeding known to my grey hairs by which the state deprives a person of liberty without proof of a criminal act or a…
Dangerous elder law myths, involving Medicaid and Medicare Broadcast
” Dangerous Elder Law Myths 1. Myth: Medicare and Private Insurance will cover the cost of long term care when I go into a nursing home. Medicare only pays for…
Trademarks in the Beer and Wine Industry
“In any consumer-driven business, the selection of a brand name is one of the most important decisions a company will make when introducing a new product. This holds true in…