Our Firm

Where professional responsibility is a shared commitment.

It takes a bold move to select a law firm to represent your professional or personal interests. So, when a client places trust in our team, for us, there is no greater affirmation. That trust is a responsibility we cherish.

Since 1973, ThompsonMcMullan has advised middle-market and closely held companies, assisted entrepreneurs and licensed professionals, defended government officials, represented the needs of individuals and families, and served as lead and local counsel in disputes pending in state and federal courts throughout Virginia and beyond. We believe in getting the law right, doing all that is necessary to benefit our client’s objectives, and providing practical advice, while ensuring that our work is performed efficiently, effectively, and at the highest level of quality and client service.

We do our best to perform our work and live our professional lives with our firm’s six Core Values in mind: Dignity, Community, Honor, Civility, Team Work, and Passion. These values have come to define ThompsonMcMullan as a respected and trusted law firm dedicated to doing things the right way as lawyers, doing the right thing for our families, doing the right thing for our colleagues, and doing the right thing for the community in which we work. We never lose sight of the obligation we have to doing the right thing for every client, every day.

Meritas: Borderless legal expertise

ThompsonMcMullan is a proud member of Meritas, the premier global alliance of more than 180 independent law firms working collaboratively to provide businesses with qualified legal expertise. With our partners at market-leading member firms, we offer a full range of high-quality, specialized legal services, allowing clients to confidently conduct business anywhere in the world.

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