The Virginia Association of Defense Attorneys (VADA) is hosting its annual Spring Sections Seminar in Charlottesville, VA May 4-6, 2022. The seminar will consist of special litigation sections training with sessions related directly to the association’s litigation sections.
Session Information:
Appealable Orders Under Rule 1:1 (50 HR CLE)
What is and is not an appealable or “final” order? Because this question impacts appellate jurisdiction, getting the answer right can mean the life or death of an appeal. In 2018, the Supreme Court of Virginia amended Rule 1:1 to clarify what is and is not a final order. While the new rule certainly helps, there are always challenges in applying to individual cases and claims. This presentation will focus on the recent amendments, Supreme Court and Court of Appeals case law, practical applications, and tips for ensuring your appeal is proper.
John O’Herron, Thompson McMullan
Effective Appellate Advocacy in the New Appellate Landscape (1.0 HR CLE)
Appellate advocacy is different in many ways from trial advocacy. With appellate jurisdiction expanded in Virginia, this program will address effective written and oral advocacy for trial counsel to bring to their appellate work. Topics will include unique appellate style issues, Do’s and Don’ts of effective research, how to write effective appellate briefs, and strategies and preparation for oral argument.
John O’Herron, ThompsonMcMullan
S. Virginia Bondurant Price, McGuireWoods