Energy and Telecommunications attorney Cliona Mary Robb has been invited to participate as a panelist at the House Commerce and Energy Committee Energy Summit hosted in Virginia Beach September 26th-27th. Focused on different energy policies current to today’s market, the Summit will feature remarks from the State Corporation Commission (SCC) before programming begins. Cliona’s session is centered on the role of SCC regulators, unique aspects of Virginia electricity regulation, and tension among economic stakeholders.
Agenda is as follows:
Welcome & Meeting Overview: Honorable Kathy Byron, Chair – Commerce & Energy Committee, Virginia House of Delegates
Opening Comments: Honorable Jehmal Hudson, Chair & Commissioner, Virginia State Corporation Commission
Session #1: Jurisdiction and Role of the Virginia State Corporation Commission
Moderator: Howard Spinner, Manager-Regulatory, NOVEC
Speakers: Meade Browder, Senior Assistant Attorney General/Section Chief, Division of Consumer Counsel, OAG; David Essah, Director of Public Utility Regulation, SCC; Cliona Robb, Director, ThompsonMcMullan; Kim Pate, Director Accounting and Finance, SCC; William H. Chambliss, General Counsel, SCC
Session #2: Energy Reliability, Affordability, Availability and Security
Moderator: Brett Vassey, President & CEO, Virginia Manufacturers Association
Electric Panel: Mike Rolband, Director, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality; Kim Pate, Director, Accounting and Finance, SCC; William H. Chambliss, General Counsel, SCC; Paul Cicio, President & CEO, Industrial Energy Consumers of America; John Warren, Director, Virginia Department of Energy; Adam Lee, VP and Chief Security Officer, Dominion Energy; David Essah, Director of Public Utility Regulation, SCC
Natural Gas Panel: Kim Pate, Director, Accounting and Finance, SCC; William H. Chambliss, General Counsel, SCC; Robert Duvall, President, Virginia Natural Gas; Brent Archer, President, Columbia Gas
Session #3: Land Use and Energy
Moderator: Delegate Michael Webert
Panel: David Essah, Director of Public Utility Regulation, SCC; Mike Rolband, Director, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
Session #4: Resilience, New Technology, and Critical Minerals
Moderator: Michael Karmis, Stonie Barker Professor Emeritus of Mining Engineering, Virginia Tech/Southwest Virginia Energy Research and Development Authority
Speakers: Rex Geveden, President, BWX Technologies; Keith Faulkner, President and Dean, Appalachian School of Law; Mark Webb, VP & Chief Innovation Officer, Dominion Energy