
Bringing Awareness to National Special Needs Law Month

The National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) has declared October “National Special Needs Law Month”, bringing awareness to those with special needs and the impact on their families and loved ones.

Unlike traditional attorneys, special needs law attorneys focus on working with their clients “holistically” — helping with the issues that affect a particular segment of the population rather than a particular area of law. When clients visit a special needs law attorney, they generally present issues beyond the need for a will or a power of attorney. Special needs law attorneys are familiar with the unique and multifaceted aspects of this complex area of law, as well as a network of services and providers who can effectively assist clients.

Special needs law attorneys must constantly monitor the ever-changing statutes and regulations to which people with disabilities are beholden for their daily existence. NAELA devotes much of its resources to education of its members and the public. ThompsonMcMullan’s Trusts, Estates, and Elder Law attorneys are members of both NAELA and VAELA, the Virginia Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, of which Karen Konvicka is a founding member.

In support of National Special Needs Law Month, the attorneys at ThompsonMcMullan are available to provide legal advocacy, guidance, and service to enhance the lives of people with disabilities. Contact us today for speak further.