Virginia Lawyers Media is pleased to announce Christopher Malone is a member of the 2009 class of Leaders in the Law.
his program, now in its fifth year, aims to honor the lawyers who are setting the standard for other lawyers. We recognize attorneys and professionals in law-related fields who have a significant accomplishment or achievement.
These include:
- Outstanding contributions to the practice of law in Virginia.
- Significant achievements through the practice of law.
- Leadership in improving the justice system.
- Important contributions to Virginia’s legal community and/or the community at large.
Nomination letter:
There is now argument that Chris Malone is one of the best lawyers around. He routinely provides Adoption services for well under the cost of most firms, performs house calls for elderly clients, meets many others at convenient locations so they will not have to struggle with in-town parking, visits Nursing Homes, does more than his fair share of pro-bono work and manages a law firm. In addition he is the President of the Greater Richmond Bar Foundation. While that may sound like a full plate to most of us, Chris is just getting warmed up.
He is also a Deacon for the Church of the Redeemer. His duties there include Baptisms (one for a fellow firm attorney’s children), weddings and funerals. In addition he serves as Prayer Leader, has been in charge of the Convocation of Deacons for the last two years, is on the Social Ministry Committee, distributes communion on a regular basis at Memorial Regional Medical Center, and has worked with the Refugee Resettlement Program. He help found both CARITAS (Congregations Around Richmond Involved To Assure Shelter). CARITAS was organized in the early 1980’s to respond to the huge unmet need for emergency shelter for homeless adults in the cold winter months. Today it is the largest emergency shelter program in our community. More than 170 faith communities provide over 37,000 nights of shelter. The congregation-based model mobilizes thousands of volunteers annually.Mr. Malone also helped found Freedom House, another homeless shelter that provides far more than food and shelter. It helps people overcome the very circumstances that led them to homelessness in the first place.
He isn’t finished yet. Mr. Malone is on the Heart of Virginia Council of the American Boy Scouts. While he has been involved at every level of the program his time now is spent on major fund-raising campaigns to ensure the scouting program’s future.
In addition to his legal and charitable involvements, he is a loving and devoted husband and father of five. Three of his children are adopted, one a refugee from Cambodia and another a special needs child.
Mr. Malone brings the best of everything to the legal profession. He brings a sense of fairness, a sense of community and a strong sense of family and faith. While we may praise other attorneys for a singular achievement, Mr. Malone sets another standard of being a lawyer, one that brings achievements across the board.