Speaker Event

2023 VAELA Fall Conference

Event Date: September 22, 2023
Starting Time: 12:45 pm
Location: The Place at Innsbrook
4036-C Cox Road Glen Allen, VA 23060
Event Date: September 22, 2023
Starting Time: 12:45 pm
Location: The Place at Innsbrook
4036-C Cox Road Glen Allen, VA 23060

Elder Law and Estate Planning attorneys Carolyn White and Shawn Majette have been selected to present as speakers during this year’s 2023 VAELA Fall Conference to be held Friday, September 22nd. Virginia Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, VAELA, is non-profit professional association of attorneys that advocates for the beneficial care of the elderly and provides education for its members and others regarding their needs and those of their families and caregivers. VAELA membership consists of experienced attorneys who provide the specialized service and advice needed to sort through the legal issues both the elderly and disabled face. Services provided by the members include basics like powers of attorney, wills, and trusts, in addition to solving complex issues involved in obtaining and preserving eligibility for Medicaid and other public benefits, providing advice and guidance related to estate and trust administration.

Conference attendees will receive CLE and GAL credits and registration can be completed using this link.


8:15am–8:50am – Continental Breakfast; Visit Sponsors & Exhibitors

8:50am–9:00am – Welcome; Introduction by Speaker Sponsor Golden Pond Elder Care Strategies

9:00am–10:00am – Avoiding Ethical Snowstorms when Dealing with Clients with Diminished Capacity – Roberta (Bobbi) K. Flowers, Professor of Law, Director, Center for Excellence in Elder Law, Stetson University College of Law

10:00am–10:15am – Break; Visit Sponsors & Exhibitors

10:15am–11:15am – “Mom Always Liked you Best:” The Five “Cs” of Ethically Dealing with Families – Roberta (Bobbi) K. Flowers, Professor of Law, Director, Center for Excellence in Elder Law, Stetson University College of Law

11:15am–11:30am – Brief Business Meeting

11:30am–12:45pm – Lunch; Visit Sponsors & Exhibitors

12:45pm–2:15pm – A Suite of Treats: Medicaid Updates As Seen On Majette.net, and the Triple Dip Trust™Shawn Majette, Esq. and Carolyn White, Esq.

2:15pm–2:30pm – Break; Visit Sponsors & Exhibitors

2:30pm–4:00pm – “What’s Mine is Mine and What’s Yours is Mine: Avoiding and Delaying with Augmented Estate Claims”– Virginia Haizlip, Esq. and Margaret O’Reilly, Esq., CELA
